hello@inspiringbreaks.com Tel: 0497 062902

Discover your passions & purpose for Young Adults

& create a path to success with

calm & confidence

Explore your ideas, creativity & entrepreneurial skills,

Dream it. Plan it. Create it. Live it

Have you been told you're a bit of a dreamer and it's time to get real, but not sure you really want to. Finding it hard to get support for your ideas? or you have so many flitting from one thing to the next which to follow, what's next, where to start,.

Maybe instead you are going through a transition, a relationship break up and finding life relationships just a bit overwhelming .... meeting the right person for you. Worried about pleasing others, taking the wrong path, making an error and not enjoying it. OMG stop all those thoughts!!

A supportive environment and supportive friends or colleagues is essential towards your success. Happy healthy relationships can boost you and keep you going, help you feel valued, boosted, motivated.

Maybe you aren’t feeling that you have that right now. Life can feel like a challenge, emotions, others feelings & thoughts control you.

Perhaps you've been told you're too complicated, too passionate, too sensitive and believed that what you want is not possible. You or someone else has made you doubt yourself, parents, teachers. You've been told "stop dreaming", "get real", you can't make money from that, creativity, or "you're not qualified", "suck it up" or "be practical", find a job that gives you money, like everyone else. Yet that doesn’t sit well with you and you are not like everyone else....although sometimes you wish you were.

So instead you dream of what you want scared to share those dreams for fear of being told you're silly. You are starting to believe there is something wrong with you because you really don’t seem to fit in but feel you “should” right? stuck, lost and not sure who to share that with

OMG STOP.....all those thoughts!!!! ahhhhhh let me help

Call to chat

0497 062902

What if instead you could find some calm from all those thoughts, feel good about you, what you want. It’s times like these you could do with an objective view, someone to talk to who understands you, believes in what you want, without judging or criticisng you, but guides you forward.

How my lifecoaching can help?

Raise your confidence & self awareness step by step:

Get Clear-mental clarity to make decisions easy

Release those critical thoughts, self judgements, comparison and feel better

Emotionally -More confidence to express yourself & your ideas

Stop the emotions taking over and allow yourself to understand them

Actively -Less anxiety or stress Improved relationships to feel supported

Learn daily tools to calm the stress and anxiety of life

Energetically -Finding income with your unique talents & gifts

Boost yourself forward into action and feel motivated with energy to get up in the morning

Here's what we do, break it down step by step.....an innovative program for out of the box thinkers, sensitives, creators or makers

Ersilia Tarantino

Create Calm & Clarity - Master your thoughts, get clear and focused on what you truly want. Discover those inner gifts and talents

Step 1

To be able to hear your dreams its about becoming self aware, listening to your emotions, calming those thoughts and learning how to manage and deal with challenge. We explore together your ideas, how to evolve them, which to follow and set out a step by step plan. Discovering your desires, who you are and what you do best with your gifts and talents. Knowing yourself helps boost your confidence and opportunities for long term success.

Creating Courage, Consistency & Commitment

Step 2

Do you criticise yourself constantly and then give up because you feel you aren't good enough and that effects how you feel and your relationships. Let's look at how to manage that, let's see what success really is for you, not others, what image do you have of yourself and how to feel about that and who you want to be. What you want to commit to to stay consistent. Learn about true confidence, how being sensitive, passionate is a gift and how your ideas can be cultivated.

Turn motivation into purpose, create confidence to do it or say it and learn how to manage challenges and emotions

Step 3

What is going to keep you motivated? your passions, along with what drives you, and why and the positive emotions that guide you rather than stop you. Let's look at how you can use those passions, emotions, drivers to benefit you rather than hinder you. Boost your sense of self esteem to feel good transform those things into money. First you find your talents, passions and then go out experiment and find what works and what doesn't. You will let go of pleasing others and feel better about you.

Creating inspiration & opportunities

Step 4

Where do you find them, how do you create them? How do you communicate in a more confident and effective manner. We look at what confidence really is and how to develop inground confidence for the future. Develop resilience and courage to express your needs and desires to those around you.

Creating Self Belief, letting go of doubt

Step 5

This is often the moment when you have started and perhaps may get rejected, find a no or a yes. Get distracted by what other people are saying. Perhaps you need to work on your relationships to money, how to sustain yourself. So let me guide you to stick to what you want or readjust in the right way for you to not give up.

Creating connection, support , effective communication in your relationships

Step 6

Finding a supportive environment and supportive friends or collegues is essential towards your success. Happy healthy relationships can boost you and keep you going, or the right environment. Lets look at what that might be. Lets have a look at how to develop better support and to balance having fun with work, so as not to get lost in one or the other.

Not ready, join one of my classes for young adults?

Mindful movement for relaxation, calm and confidence to feel better with your emotions, sensitivities and gain practical everyday tools. Learn 3 min tools to boost your energy, know how to deal with challenges and stay on top.

Next Group class

Monday evenings for 14-26 year olds

Private sessions available

Not sure you like groups, book a private session

For professionals in wellbeing

Are you a school or work with young adults? Find out about our unique talks, facilitation & innovative mentoring training for creative entrepreneurship

hello@inspiringbreaks.com | +61 (0)497 062 902

© All Copyrights inspiring breaks.com

Ready to explore your ideas?

In my sessions you will begin to:

Feel Good, with practical tools to remain cool, calm & confident!! Find motivation, connect better in your relationships,

discover your gifts & talents & turn them into a job or learn how to turn it into

a business and make a difference.

What they Say:

Ersilia helped me to stay positive when starting my new tourism business, her expertise helped me both with the logical ideas about how to run business and the emotions that would keep me positive.

Midwest Adventure Tours, Geraldton

What does it cost?

I offer a one off consultation of 1/2 hour so you can get to know me and see if I am a fit for what you are looking for.

Two options: Learn 3 minute daily tools to autonomously feel better, a mix of mindfulness, breathing techniques, coaching tools to coach yourself, tension releasing exercises, relaxation & communication strategies

For under 25's $65 for 1 hour, 4 x sessions $280

Set yourself up for Success Program for Young Adults:

4 x 1 hour coaching sessions

Consistent phone and email support

4 x 1/2 hour sessions of 3 minute tools for confidence & calm

Book of take home tools

1 x Personality Chart to offer guidance


Payment Plans available

Please call Tel: 0497062 or email ersilia@lifecoachersilia.com

Programs for Parents or Teachers

Please find out more by contacting me on 0497 062902, ersilia@lifecoachersilia.com

What's next for young adults.....Booster talks for Young Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Book a talk or conference & understand tips for confidence to turn your passions into income

I work with a variety of experts in entrepreneurship and can offer a talk or join with others to share wisdom, tips, tricks and tools to create a conference for the next steps in life and understand business for young people.

Behaviour management tools for parents and teachers.

How do you keep your students engaged instead of continuously fighting to be heard, find peace and calm. How do you understand the needs of your children to nourish them and give them the attention they need whilst putting healthy boundaries down, not too much discipline but not too much freedom either. Learn effective tools to create balance and harmony at home or at school bringing more joy to the classroom or family.

Contact Me

Or come and drink coffee in comfy place

I also work in French or Italian

Perth, Geraldton or via Skype:
+61 497 062902
Fb: takejoyseriously